You are just 8 questions and 1 conversation away

from making people and performance management a simple, stress free experience for everyone who is responsible for the performance of others


so contemplate these questions about your training needs then

arrange a conversation


As you look around your organisation, what are managers struggling with?

  • Still being the "expert problem solver".
  • No time for strategic thinking and planning.
  • Managing performance.
  • Uncomfortable with having "difficult conversations".
  • Always "time-poor" and firefighting.
  • Not having personal development conversations.
  • Low Employee Engagement scores.
  • No successor options.
  • Not ready for the next level.

"The absence of punishment is reward". Harsh? Sure, but you get my point. If people don't get told they aren't delivering what is expected, they will assume they are!

So finding out they are wrong after months have gone by is going to be a shock, and an unpleasant process, for the giver and the receiver.

Clear outcomes, an agreed plan of how to get there and regular updates and adjustments result in more efficient progress to the goal are essential.

Your people need to follow the continuous "Voyage Planning" process of Observe, Feedback, Coach as a day to day practice. So the painful "appraisal" becomes a useful "review" of a know, agreed, documented Voyage.


Are annual appraisals still getting less attention than they deserve?

Do people actually enjoy giving or receiving them?



Are annual appraisals still getting less attention than they deserve?

Do people actually enjoy giving or receiving them?


"The absence of punishment is reward". Harsh? Sure, but you get my point. If people don't get told they aren't delivering what is expected, they will assume they are!

So finding out they are wrong after months have gone by is going to be a shock, and an unpleasant process, for the giver and the receiver.

Clear outcomes, an agreed plan of how to get there and regular updates and adjustments result in more efficient progress to the goal are essential.

Your people need to follow the continuous "Voyage Planning" process of Observe, Feedback, Coach as a day to day practice. So the painful "appraisal" becomes a useful "review" of a know, agreed, documented Voyage.


If someone leaves, gets promoted, or moves to a new area to grow the business, can you instantly replace them with a ready prepared, proven candidate from within?


There are many implications to not having a ready supply of trained, proven talent. It can hinder the promotion of an "irreplaceable" manager. It can trigger discontent when you recruit from outside.

Busy managers sometimes don't have the time to engage in development conversations with their teams; some don't do it for fear of triggering the desire to leave, or because they talk "career development" instead of "Growth".

Sometimes managers don't have the frameworks for such conversations and hesitate to raise expectations they cannot deliver on.

They need to know how to execute the steps for understanding aspirations, developing skills, testing readiness to ensure a talent pipeline for the growth of the organisation.

The cost of failed promotions is huge at any level. Whether they stay in the job and impact everyone beneath them, or you ultimately lose them, the negative impact on everyone, physical, emotional and financial, is enormous and could have been avoided.

Transition coaching is fast and effective. At the top levels you hire people like me to do it. But all promotions need support to ensure success.

With a deep understanding of what it takes to ensure promotion success, I can teach your people how to conduct transition coaching conversations to guarantee success for every job move.


Have you seen junior or middle manager promotions that didn't work out as well as they should?



Have you seen junior or middle manager promotions that didn't work out as well as they should?


The cost of failed promotions is huge at any level. Whether they stay in the job and impact everyone beneath them, or you ultimately lose them, the negative impact on everyone, physical, emotional and financial, is enormous and could have been avoided.

Transition coaching is fast and effective. At the top levels you hire people like me to do it. But all promotions need support to ensure success.

With a deep understanding of what it takes to ensure promotion success, I can teach your people how to conduct transition coaching conversations to guarantee success for every job move.


Are there glitches in your Matrix?


Matrix structures, virtual teams and flatter organisations have been accelerating in their adoption in recent years.

But many of them are just hierarchy overlaid on hierarchy from the previous structure. And nobody knows how to lead or follow in a matrix.

Everyone's place in the matrix is unique. So it has to be designed from the inside. Everyone has to take ownership of their piece, define their connections and have the right conversations at the right time with the right people.

You don't need a change in structure, you need a change in behaviour.

As the understanding and acceptance of the power of coaching is growing, there is a rapid increase in the adoption of coaching skills by Managers, Internal coaches, HR business partners and External coaches.

For a true coaching culture in addition to training in coaching skills, you need to understand the application frameworks and permission dynamics of who coaches who, and about what.

Application frameworks, rules of engagement, continued enhancement of skills, communities of practice and supervision all need to be put in place to ensure your investment in coaching delivers returns and becomes the way of working.


Who coaches who?


And about what?



Who coaches who?


And about what?


As the understanding and acceptance of the power of coaching is growing, there is a rapid increase in the adoption of coaching skills by Managers, Internal coaches, HR business partners and External coaches.

For a true coaching culture in addition to training in coaching skills, you need to understand the application frameworks and permission dynamics of who coaches who, and about what.

Application frameworks, rules of engagement, continued enhancement of skills, communities of practice and supervision all need to be put in place to ensure your investment in coaching delivers returns and becomes the way of working.



Can you demonstrate measurable change and return on investment from ALL the training and learning your people do?


People only learn what they believe they need to learn; so teaching them anything else is a waste of resources, people, time and money. If learning doesn't result in different behaviour, you won't get a different result; again a waste of the same resources.

You need an approach that enables you to deliver the learning required, when required and no more. And ensure the learning gets applied, resulting in measurable behavioural change.

The traditional classroom provides expert knowledge, facilitates discussion of application and enables reflective practice.

Technology now allows these to be done at different times, by different people, and in a different sequence. 

And deliver measurable behavioural change.

Depending on your needs and preferences Profitable Leadership can be delivered in virtual, topic specific, Masterclasses or full training courses.

You can licence our IP and have your own teams trained in delivery fully supported by micro-learning access to the content and all the tools to implement it via TheCoachingApp

Bring you ideas and preferences to the conversation.


How would you like the change to be applied?



How would you like the change to be applied?


Depending on your needs and preferences Profitable Leadership can be delivered in virtual, topic specific, Masterclasses or full training courses.

You can licence our IP and have your own teams trained in delivery fully supported by micro-learning access to the content and all the tools to implement it via TheCoachingApp

Bring you ideas and preferences to the conversation.

Now you are just a conversation away

from discovering how Profitable Leadership can create rapid and sustainable change for your people and your organisation.
arrange the conversation